Friday, February 27, 2009

Hold The Phone...

*NEWS FLASH* Houdini is now in a relationship. Crazy! I am thankful everyday for the vast snooping power the internet provides. With any luck, I'll know in upcoming days just who this mystery woman is. Perhaps I should warn her that his emotional abilities are neatly packaged into two months. Actually, I'm happy to hear he's moved out of his fog finally.

Also, spoke to McSteamy last night for a bit of clarification. Apparently we both like each other and are interested to see where it all goes. But we're taking it slow...still. There was simply not enough alcohol involved in that conversation to ease my nerves. But I survived and can stop obsessing...for a little while at least. What would my life be without obsessions and analyzing every mundane detail? Must jet however, lives to save!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Can a Leopard Change Its Spots...

Apparently all know where this is going. Got together with McSteamy last night and had every intention of not staying all night OR sleeping with him. Didn't bring any over night items and left my house awry as incentive to actually make it home...I even had a friend text me to say "Get your floozy booty home" though she was much nicer about it all. Well here I am the next day decked out in his sweatshirt and smelling of his bath products. I've been advised by two brilliant women however to let it be and see where this all goes. He doesn't seem to be the type that responds well to pressure for relationships. And bottom line, it's a damn good time with and otherwise. So for now I'm a traveling _____, label to be determined at a later date.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Let's Talk About Sex Baby...

As far as sex is concerned, it would seem I've always been a bit better at show than tell. I came to an interesting conclusion last night during the 45 minutes it took the ambien to kick in. If McSteamy can't get over the whole sex issue then maybe he's not for me. I've spent how many years obsessing over when the right time is, did I mess things up, and blah blah blah. Well I'm pretty sure some historical female sexpots fought awfully hard for me to be able to sit here in my sports bar and tiny shorts and openly blog about sex. Those same women fought for me to be able to say, "Hey, I like sex...a lot. And I'm not the least bit ashamed of who I am...which includes my sexuality" Men frolic from bed to bed without a second thought and very little societal backlash. So as I sit here today waiting for McSteamy to make the call, perhaps it's already been made. As Popeye would say "I yam who I yam." Embrace it and benefit or move on McSteamy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm A Little Tea Pot...

While there are certainly days I feel the part...short and stout, this post has nothing to do with that. And everything to do with my latest purchase, a tea pot. I have long been a connoisseur of tea and plan to snub coffee for decades to come. Yet I have never bothered to buy a tea pot. So after years of boiling water in the microwave I broke down. I sit here now with a perfect cup. Heaven here on earth I have found.

Love life update: McSteamy finally called. Not even going to lie, I was starting to sweat. He is to call tomorrow or Friday to work out some potential weekend plans. We shall see...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Oops I Did It Again...

Need I even say more?! McSteamy may be too hot to handle...certainly too hot to resist. It's official I am my own worst enemy. And now I must sit and wait to hear from him. I know better than to get into these positions but that doesn't seem to help. My hope is that I can "connect" with McSteamy again and actually make it home. Uhg. Love and relationships are such a fantastic mess.

On an unrelated note I am about ready to start job hunting. There's been an extreme amount of inner termoil at work lately. Makes me nervous to say the least. How I loathe job hunting...but at least it gives me something to think about instead of McSteamy :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Date Two...All Nighter?

Date two with McSteamy turned into an all night Wednesday romp followed by a twelve hour shift on three hours of "sleep"...woops. Not at all what I had planned. He called today and we're going to "connect" tomorrow. It would seem that despite my best efforts I have yet again fallen into the trap of letting things spiral out of control. Yet I don't regret a minute of my wild Wednesday and will be interested to see how things unfold over the next few weeks.

This brings me to an age old question: When is the "right" time to, well, hit it out of the park? I'm over the traditional rules of dating and relationships and have been since I was sixteen. I guess I'm secretly hoping he too is over the rules. Only time will tell... :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009


First date with Mr. Man last night, which one of my girls back home has compared to...McSteamy. She may very well be on to something. What kind of woman would I be if I didn't tear apart the date and play by play to any and all that will listen. So here it goes:

While shorter than I had anticipated, his online photos were very accurate and I had no trouble finding him in the antique store we agreed to meet at. We then wandered next door to a local eatery for drinks and appetizers. Some local talent showed up and so we decided to stay for round two of great beer, conversation and music. It was of course his idea to stick around. Three hours later...McSteamy escorted me to my car where he suggested we take a moonlit stroll across the river. And yes I have now ignored all rules for safe online dating but anyway. Once we made it back we hugged and he so sweetly asked if he could kiss me. This is a new one for me, not sure anyone has ever asked my permission. And my my did we kiss, I am just a shade past smitten. We took a big step today and are now...facebook friends. *Sigh* Young love. I will be seeing McSteamy again on Wednesday and can't wait.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dear Molly...

Dear Molly and Ryan C...
It has come to my attention, courtesy of American Express's multiple early morning phone calls, that you have unpaid bills. While you are like so many Americans, your plight is beginning to disturb my very precious sleep. This simply will not stand. I assume you are not out there busting your ass to pay your bills so perhaps you can find time in your busy schedule to update your contact information. If not, I will be forced to google you and update it myself next time they call. Thanks and best wishes.