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To learn about sustainable eating
FYI skipping red meat one day a week reduces your food's carbon footprint by roughly 5%...I now have an excuse for shunning beef from time to time despite my beef country background.
And for my Earth Day pledge...which will actually begin when I return from the home lands May 3rd, I will spend the next month buying only items made in the US. My only exception will likely be bananas as, well let's face it, my life would not be complete without them. I've wanted a set of sheets for a few months now and so my task will be to find a set made within our beautiful country. Any and all help is welcomed.
Now for the bitching portion of this blog. I would just like to say a big, fat WTF to all those with lifted vehicles. I'm particularly pissed at those with what I like to call the dumb ass detailing package which comes complete with lifted circa 1980's truck, straight pipes, black choking exhaust and cut-off shirt. A Confederate Flag decal is available for a minimal additional cost. This package is apparently very popular in this area as well as back home and I get to view, smell and hear it in all its glory every day as I run along the highway. I've even considered getting my Bonnie lifted in order to blend with the locals. But alas I did make that Earth Day pledge and will have to wait at least another month to make all my dreams come true.
And for the record folks...despite the double yellow line, I consider it completely acceptable and legal to pull into the next lane in order to give a runner, biker, non-motorized road user a little extra space. This of course only applies if there is no oncoming traffic. Must include such disclaimers for all goobers out there. Thanks and see you on the road soon Joe Dirt.