Sunday, May 10, 2009


Well I'm a rather Grumpy Gus these days and I have little to say. But I would like to wallow in one of life's most splendid moments... There is something so delightful about standing in line at Target with panty liners and a home pregnancy test that will not scan. And oh the clerk tried and the men behind me were patient. Finally we had success and I was on my way. Others may have been mortified but I enjoy shit like that. It could only have been improved with a loud speaker price check. Maybe next time... And no worries, I highly doubt I'm pregnant but I've managed to gain 5 pounds almost over night. I refuse to think it could be the excessive beer drinking I did while home. I just like to cover all my bases and make sure I won't need to track down McSteamy anytime soon.

Oh yeah...interview Tuesday.


  1. Quickly before I head home...What the hell?

  2. Yes Cadis...I'm taking a home pregnancy test. You see I'm on that whole no period for a year plan (thanks to my lush of a doctor). Odds are slim to none but I'm a bit weird about those sort of things. And considering my affinity to copious amounts of alcohol...I consider it my version of safe sex :P Oh and TMI coming at you, break through bleeding does eventually occur when on this "plan" thus the panty liners.

  3. it would've been even funnier if you hadn't had sex for, like, a year. like covering the bases and the outfield.

  4. Well it's settled...I must indeed be pregnant. Or so says the patient with dementia that I've cared for the past three nights. However my baby did not stop him from trying to kiss me and calling me sweetheart and such all night.
