Monday, May 11, 2009


That's right kiddies...I got my job in Chico! So in roughly two weeks I will have endless amounts of new blog material to throw at you. Bet you can't wait! I will be accepting visitors in my new home after June 1st. That means you Patty!


  1. i've driven through there. strike that, i've ridden through there in a back seat. i think someone was high. not me, though. i have asthma.

  2. How exciting, does that mean Peppermint Patty can come with me?

    By the way I'm hooked on your blog because I'm now reading it on my days off! I need a life.

  3. You may certainly bring Peppermint but I'd rather you bring the Patty that is also a Mati. I'm sounding a bit like Dr. Suess. Perhaps I'll take up writing in my copious free time...

  4. I agree that you sound a bit like Dr. Suess - but that's what I'm into these days anyway. I am sitting up and reading this blog when I could be sleeping, so I think you have all of us hooked!
