Saturday, October 17, 2009

Things That Go Bump in the Night...

Strange thing happened to me just the other night. I was visiting Princy Pooh in the Bay and I often sleep like a log while there. Well I went to sleep like usual wearing a nightie but I woke up very much naked. At first I thought nothing of this (I do occasionally sleep a bit naked) until I realized that my nightie was tossed across the living room. I immediately accused Princy Pooh of funny business and scolded him for not doing a better job and actually waking me up. But he denied it and confirmed that yes, as far as he could remember I had come to bed fully clothed. And so it remains a mystery. I'll be going back to see him on Tuesday so we'll see if it's a developing trend. I secretly suspect that I've had this problem - sleepwalking stripteases- for a very long time and that it accounts for some of the less than desirable lovers I've encountered over the years. I simply fell asleep minding my own business and boom. Much like the girls that "accidentally" have sex with people. Anyway, no matter at this point. I just better make sure Princy locks the doors and windows at night so I don't escape.


  1. maybe you should strap your clothing on. or is that too goth?

  2. I know little about goth or emo or whatever is hot today. I do know I'm not quite ready for bondage though.
